Main Benefits:
Focusprin’s formula is comprised of 100% pure, natural ingredients, including Theosharp™ with Theobromine, Green Tea extract, and Guarana Extract, combined with L-Theanine, B-Sci™ Vitamin B Complex, Mag-Sci™ Magnesium Complex, and BioPerine®. Together, these ingredients stimulate, nourish, and protect the brain for increased cognitive energy and defense against free radicals that could expedite the onset of age-related mental decline
You may be familiar with the effects of caffeine from your daily cup(s) of coffee. Caffeine kicks your central nervous system into high gear and increases dopamine production, which improves your ability to focus. Focusprin contains caffeine that is naturally occurring in Green Tea and Guarana. However, that’s not the only benefit of these ingredients. They also contain an impressive host of antioxidants, specifically EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) and other polyphenols that protect brain cells from oxidative damage.
Caffeine has a tendency to become less effective over time and oftentimes overstimulates the nervous system to make a person jittery. Theobromine, like caffeine, has a stimulating effect but it is milder and does not raise blood pressure. In fact, all three ingredients in TheoSharp™ (Green Tea, Guarana, and Theobromine) possess mildly stimulating components in addition to any caffeine content. This stimulating blend works synergistically with L-Theanine and the Magnesium in Mag-sci™ which have calming effects to promote a state of wakeful relaxation that fosters clear thinking. Additionally, Magnesium plays a role in supporting communication between brain cells to protect neuroplasticity.
In addition to stimulating, Focusprin also nourishes and supports brain health with the B vitamins in B-Sci™. B vitamins are essential for energy production and maintenance. As stated previously, physical energy and mental energy are linked. It is essential that your body has enough energy if you are planning to concentrate on something for any length of time. Additionally, the B vitamins help to reduce tissue damage to keep your organs in good working order.
Lastly, Focusprin’s formula was created with nutrient absorption in mind. It doesn’t just have clinically-supported ingredients but also provides them in their bioavailable forms so that the body can quickly utilize them. For example, vitamins B12 and B9 (Folate) are in their methylated, more bioactive forms. For the other ingredients, like TheoSharp™ which contains extracts, the absorption is supported by BioPerine® for speeding up results.
Furthermore, it should be noted that you will not find any ingredients in Focusprin that shouldn’t be there. There are no added fillers, binders, additives, or preservatives. There are so many products that do not even fall within the realm of high quality, with their artificial alternatives and all sorts of extras. It is a relief to be able to recommend a company that manufactures such a unique, well-researched product.
To summarize, Focusprin by Approved Science uses top-quality natural ingredients, provides awesome results, has a caring customer support team, and comes at a great price. From what we saw, without a doubt, this is an extremely good product.
Over the last few years, we understand how consumers have grown skeptical of concentration supplements. This has been caused by shady companies providing weak formulas that contain unrelated and useless ingredients such as fillers or binders. The active ingredients are what deliver results, so when you see a long list of inactive ingredients, you should be wary. Often, these ingredients are not pure or have not been tested for quality and have no scientific validity as to why they have been included. Not only is this irresponsible, but often quite dangerous. There is absolutely no reason why anything artificial should be added. Natural and pure is the best. If the ingredients are in their natural form, side effects or negative interactions are unlikely to be experienced.
On many nutritional supplements, the label states that the ingredients are either ‘active’ or inactive’. In simple terms, the active ingredients are the reason you decided to purchase the product because they actually bring you the desired results. When you see a long list of inactive ingredients, beware, often companies will fill their products with unhelpful and potentially dangerous junk.
Focusprin contains only natural and pure ingredients backed by numerous clinical studies and research. Approved Science follows a simple philosophy that seems to work well – offer top-quality ingredients in the most effective potency with great price options and a terrific money-back guarantee that won’t leave customers disappointed.
We were very happy to discover that Focusprin is manufactured in an FDA registered facility. Moreover, it is cGMP recognized and complies with the US Pharmacopeia’s standards for quality and purity. This suggests that Approved Science takes what it does very seriously, and strives to keep its products safe, natural, and effective – a mentality that we totally appreciate.
Focusprin comes at an affordable price with some excellent multiple purchase deals, allowing you to save big. Moreover, this company is staunchly against any auto-ship programs, since they can be nearly impossible to cancel with companies that try to scam you. This policy further supports the evidence that Approved Science is a top quality company.
Orders are shipped within 24 hours, with the exclusion of any orders placed on weekends and holidays. They are wrapped and sent in discreet packaging, with no identifying marks on the outside, unlike other companies who often have embarrassing slogans or logos. Furthermore, this company provides a 60-day risk-free money-back guarantee. If you are not 100% happy with the results, you are able to return the product and receive a full refund. That shows Approved Science’s strong confidence in its product and we totally support that kind of guarantee.
When people are searching for a good concentration supplement, they may not realize that there is more to an effective nootropic than simply containing the right ingredients. There are other significant elements to bear in mind, such as third-party testing and comprehensive customer reviews that give us a great indication of how the product really works.
Focusprin contains the optimal blend of ingredients which are clinically proven to give you a cognitive boost. These include the stimulating TheoSharp™, energy-synthesizing B-Sci™, nerve-supporting Mag-Sci™, relaxing L-Theanine, and bioavailability enhancing BioPerine®.
Of all the products that we reviewed, across all parameters, none compared to Focusprin by Approved Science. If you are looking for a top-quality formula, backed by research and scientific data, that is an effective, long-term solution for boosting cognitive performance, nourishing the brain, and supporting brain health, you would be hard pressed to find anything better than Approved Science’s Focusprin.
“I’ve recently taken an interest in improving my mental alertness. I finished university a few years ago and my interim job isn’t very mentally demanding so I haven’t stretched my mind in a while. I used to be able to read essay after essay for hours and when I started again, I noticed I struggled to make it through even one essay. I bought Focusprin recently and since then I’ve found it a little easier to stay focused and on task for longer.” – Alex Matheson
“Focusprin is almost as essential as breakfast is for me. Maybe even more so! I have a hard time really focusing on things on my own but my job requires me to be fully mentally present at all times. I’ve also found that Focusprin helps me feel more energized throughout the day!” – Heather Downing
“Focusprin is my secret weapon. When it comes to trivia competitions I’ve definitely got an edge on my competitors. This helps me study and perform at my best. I’ll be repurchasing when I finish my package. Hopefully one day I’ll reach Jeopardy! level and fulfill my dream!” – Harvey Andrews
“This gives me such a mental boost. It keeps me more engaged at work and my productivity has increased greatly. It uses natural ingredients and has done all of the testing required plus some. This is a high quality product that I would recommend 100% to anyone trying to get a mental edge. ” – Rachel Gray
“I give this to my son to help him focus on his school work. He’s been taking this for two months and his grades have been on a steady increase! His success in school has also improved his behavior which has had a big impact on our relationship. We’re on an unofficial lifetime subscription!” – Bella Walker
“You might not have imagined, especially considering how easy it is to drive a car, but flying a plane requires a lot of mental stamina. Focusprin gives me an added boost to help stay alert during long flights without the shakiness that I used to experience from drinking coffee. I’m more present and in control when I take Focusprin. Whatever you need mental stamina for, I recommend Focusprin for it! ” – Juan Garcia
“Long hours focused on tiny details just about sums up my day-to-day. As a woodworker, I have to pay close attention to everything I do because one moment of inattentiveness could result in cutting off material that can’t be reattached. I’ve had to lay off of the coffee because I was drinking it like water to counteract my sleepiness from insomnia. I like that Focusprin uses natural stimulants other than caffeine alone and also has calming factors to help keep my body in balance. ” – Gail Brown
How does Focusprin work?
The key lies in the ingredients contained within its formula. They haven’t been plucked from thin air to make a list of ingredients that look good on the label. Each ingredient in this product is supported by clinical research and has a reason to be there! Its unique formula helps to produce lasting mental energy, nourish the brain, protect cells with antioxidants, and help prevent cognitive decline.
It contains TheoSharp™ for stimulating the central nervous system and L-Theanine for preventing overstimulation. Additionally, the Green Tea in TheoSharp™ is standardize to 98% Polyphenols which are a type of antioxidant as well as Guarana, which is also rich in beneficial antioxidants. It also has B-Sci™ for promoting energy synthesis and Mag-Sci™ for protecting nerve cells. Lastly, it has BioPerine® for increasing nutrient absorption and speeding up results.
Do all concentration supplements work in a similar way?
No, they do not. There are many companies that just ride the trends, producing inferior products with weak formulas in the wrong proportions. Many use incorrect ingredients, fillers, binders or even worse ingredients that can affect desired results, and even be dangerous.
What should I look for in an effective focus nootropic?
It should contain:
Are there any side effects noted when using this product?
Our research did not uncover any negative side effects when using this product. The ingredients that are contained within Focusprin are all natural and 100% pure. That said, as with any supplement, we always recommend consulting with a doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have an existing medical condition, or are taking any other medication.
What are the dosage instructions for Focusprin?
The manufacturers of this product suggest taking 2 capsules per day, after breakfast with a glass of water.
As with any supplement, always follow the recommended dosage instructions and do not exceed them as this poses health risks.
How long before I can see any results?
Results will vary for each person. For some, they will see changes very quickly, while it may take longer for others. It is different for each person. Other factors that affect results can include age, diet, and lifestyle, so it is hard to say exactly. What you should look for are companies who offer a satisfaction guarantee. This suggests that they are confident that their products will deliver the desired results. And after all, if you don’t get the results you were hoping for you can always return the product. Approved Science offers a great money-back guarantee and awesome feedback on how well this product works.
What price should I expect to pay?
The cost of products vary among manufacturers. Unfortunately, many are cheap, useless supplements that have been formulated without any science-based evidence to back them up. Some of these companies are selling their products for over $100 per bottle, which is very expensive. On average, the best supplements we found are selling between the $40-$50 price range. Often, when products appear cheaper, this is indicative of low quality or a low recommended daily serving, which will not bring the results you are looking for. Always read the labels.
Which concentration supplement should I buy?
As each person’s experience of a product is different, it is difficult to say specifically which one is the best. That said, based on several factors, we did like Focusprin by Approved Science. We found that from the 50+ products that we looked at, Focusprin had the best quality of ingredients, potency and strength, positive consumer feedback, and pleasant customer service.
How safe is it to order over the internet?
Ordering Focusprin from Approved Science is safe to do over the internet. The manufacturer utilizes the latest encryption software to protect your credit card information and does not engage in shady schemes such as ‘automatic billing’ programs like many other companies do. They also deliver very efficiently and quickly, using discreet packaging.
Why should I choose Focusprin?
There are several reasons why we liked this product, including purity of ingredients, quality customer service, a satisfaction guarantee, and effectiveness. Its formula is backed by clinical studies and we feel it values the consumer’s health above their own profit margins.
This is a great product that you can depend on. It has a well-researched formula with the right ingredients in the correct potency. And if that wasn’t enough, check out the customer reviews – they say it all. It counts when there are many happy customers who are loyal to this brand singing the praises of this trustworthy product. We will summarize the key benefits one more time:
Furthermore, Approved Science’s lab is FDA and cGMP recognized. Its products comply with the standards for quality and purity outlined by the U.S. Pharmacopeia. Our research showed that the company is trustworthy, reliable, transparent and has integrity and a great reputation in the industry.
At the end of the day, the bottom line is that consumers have so many options when choosing a concentration supplement. Advertisers are always trying to convince us that their product is something that we just have to have, even if it isn’t good for us. It can be exhausting to figure out what products really have legitimacy and value. After some serious searching, we finally found a product that meets our standards and even exceeds some of them!
We like Focusprin because we feel that Approved Science is different. It is in it for the long haul. It has researched its ingredients well and produced its formula using only pure, natural ingredients with a lot of clinical data to back them up. Approved Science offers what more companies should – an effective, affordable product supported by a real concern for the health of their customers. As an added bonus, Focusprin has many happy testimonials to support our belief that this is a great product and a great company.